I don't know about you, but I have had information overload within the last four months. Shelter in; wear a mask; don't wear a mask; Black Lives Matter; All Lives Matter; social distance yourself; wear gloves, don't wear gloves; it's in the air; go to work; stay home; go to church; don't go to church. It's this and that. Oh and then it's, vote for red or blue. Arrgghhh! I believe that this world event of COVID-19 was allowed to get our attention to cause us to slow down and seek God like never before. Psalm 46:10 (KJV) says "Be still and know that I am God", but do you really take the time out to do it?
I encourage you to actually go into a room, sit down in a quiet space, breathe and talk to God! You may ask "What do I say"? Well, what would you ask if you had God's undivided attention? Ask that! Whats on you heart? Ask that! Ask God why He made you. I can guarantee you if you ask in faith He will answer you in His time. Be patient! God loves you.
These are strange times. God said that He will show those whom He loves things to come. When you seek Him you find life. Stay tuned!!!